SPSS / STATA / SAS Services



SPSS is a statistical package for the social science, It is one of the most popular statistical package For complex statistical data analysis. this software were used in many fields to find the Market researcher, health researcher, survey companies, Clinical data, social science researcher, government entities, education researchers, marketing organization, data mining etc., for analyzing the survey data using SPSS software.

Statistical method includes Descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, ANOVA, Correlation analysis, regression analysis, cluster analysis, non-parametric test, cluster analysis, factor analysis, survival analysis and SEM analysis are the major analysis in SPSS. SPSS has many technique to analysis the data in smart way which is, compute variables, Re code variables, split file cases, missing variables and charts.


Stata is the solution for your data science needs. Obtain and manipulate data. Explore, Visualiz Model Make inferences. Collect your results into reproducible reports. Stata is a complete, integrated software package that provides all your data science needs—data manipulation, visualization, statistics, and reproducible reporting. Fast. Accurate. Easy to use. Stata is a complete, integrated software package that provides all your data science needs—data manipulation, visualization, statistics, and automated reporting.There are two different approaches one can take to Stata. One is to use it as an interactive tool: you start Stata, load your data, and start typing or clicking on commands. This can be a good way to explore your data, figure out what you want to do, and check that your programs worked properly. It can also be useful when you’re trying to figure out something new because you get immediate feedback. However, interactive work cannot be easily or reliably replicated, or modified if you change your mind. It’s also very difficult to recover from mistakes—there’s no “undo” command in Stata.

The other approach is to treat Stata as a programming language. In this approach you write your programs, called do files, and run them when they’re complete. A do file contains the same commands you’d type in interactive Stata, but since they’re written in a permanent file they can be debugged or modified and then rerun at will. They also serve as an exact record of how you obtained your results—a lab notebook for the social scientist. Any work you intend to publish or present should be done using do files. Thus this series will for the most part ignore Stata’s graphical user interface and prepare you to write do files for research.


SAS Stands for Statistical Analysis Software which is used for Data Analytic. In SAS, data is extracted & categorized to identify and analyze data patterns. It is a software suite which allows you to perform advanced analysis, Business Intelligence, Predictive Analysis, multivariate analyses, data management to operate effectively in the competitive & changing business conditions.SAS makes statistical computing easier for the non programming users. It handles large size database effectively and it have very comprehensible language which can easily be insect.

There are four types in SAS software

They are:

  • SAS for Windows
  • SAS EG (Enterprise Guide)
  • SAS Enterprise Miner (EM)
  • SAS Stat Software

SAS programming applications are characterized as, Accessing data, exploring data, preparing data, analyze and reporting on data finally export result.

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